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Friday, March 31, 2006


I am just glad this month is over. I have been dreading the endless travel and obscene workload for months. This weekend I get to do simple mind numbing work like cleaning the apartment and changing my break pads. Domestication wears well on me. All I need is a spouse to support my extravagent lifestyle, and I could totally be kept.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Ultimate Reality

As a standing member of APS, one is entitled to the airing of ones ideas in either presentation or poster form. Mainstream concepts are usually given presentation time while more eclectic views of the world are often relegated to poster sessions, which are equivalent to a cattle call in modeling. So, it is amusing to past the time by wandering the halls of the poster sessions trying to find that one poster that unconventionally crystallizes some aspect of physics for you. I found this year's winner on the first day. The conclusions are listed below.

Water + Chicken + Salt = Chicken Soup

Quantum Mechanics + Baryon Particles + Will of God = Ultimate Reality

That clears it up. No questions here.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Physicist Types

I am currently at the American Physical Society (APS) meeting in Baltimore MD. For those outside the society we changed our public name to the American Physics Society to avoid confusion. Confusion with what, I don't know. I guess some sexual innuendo, but as soon as you step into an APS meeting you have no doubt that nothing physical is going on. In fact the place looks depressingly stereotypical. Older, larger gentlemen lumbering through the halls saying things like, "Is this truly fundamental", "You may not remember but I discovered this in 1957," and "That seafood is not sitting well with me". Geeky, mis-matched graduate students swarming well know names while ignoring each other. Professionally dressed individuals from corporations trying not to look like they got left behind. It is a wonder that anyone gets laid. I forget why I started this post, so I just going to end it here.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Somehow This Does Not Make Me Feel More Comfortable

In doing more planet of the apes research, I found that work is being done to control animals, including monkeys, remotely through radio frequency triggered brain implants. Now this might stem my fear of apes rising and taking over the world, but it does nothing to reduce my fear of being controlled by a governmental brain implant. A private sector/extraterrestrial brain implant might be OK. It would be a case by case basis.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Planet of the Apes: Part Deux

Scientists in Germany suspect cat had worst form of bird flu. [Breitbart]

I'm just saying don't teach the apes to read, or we are all screwed.