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Monday, June 12, 2006

Unsolicted Relationship Advice

At this point, I figure you shouldn't post on craigslist in this area unless you want me to comment. Below is the latest find.

I miss you. I know I shouldn't. I wish you would just try harder instead of doing the backstroke in the sea of f*&% up. I'd much prefer you to "try a little tenderness" and quit with the repeated offenses... sometimes sorry is just a word. How about we forget you being sorry and we just have you HERE being NICE. Oh squooshy head, where r u? [Craigslist]

Holy crap. Get some self-esteem and forget the bastard. Advice for future relationships, a pet name like squooshy head is as much relationship sabbotage as swimming in the sea of f*&% ups. Nothing would make me want to act out quite like being called a squooshy head.


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