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Thursday, June 08, 2006

What are these bison of which you speak?

This report is from a local news station website.

Curious About Bison? Local Man Wants to Help

(6/7/06) — (A) man is opening his farm this weekend to anyone who wants to learn more about bison. Jim Buckmaster he doesn't know why more people don't eat bison. He says the meat is protein-rich and low in fat and calories.

I have three problems with this snippet.

1. Choose the pronoun he or the proper noun Jim Buckmaster, I don't care which, but only use one.

2. Is this a news report or a commercial for bison, and if it is a report, what exactly makes it news worthy.

3. Why was there enough space on the website to put this article in the news archive, but not enough space to report the stabbing murder of my neighbor the night before? It is not like they did not know it happened. Their reporters knocked on my door looking for comments. Kind of odd.


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