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Thursday, September 21, 2006

Dirty Daughters Don't Fall Far From the Dirty Father Tree

I have run road races since 9 and started regular training at 12. In the past 15 years, I have been glared at by walkers, chased by dogs, and twice had cars drive off the road right in front of me. One of those times, the driver turned to get a better look while I was running shirtless only to drive right off the road when it sharply turned. Let me just say, there is nothing like having your looks directly cause an accident to raise your self-esteem. In the same vain, the most pleasant runner/spectator harassment is the cat call. Generally, the cat callers are girls in their late-teen or early-twenties. I will be the first to admit that in my teens and early twenties the attention was much appreciated. Now I'm in my late twenties, and despite increased modesty, I still get cat calls. But it is does not strike the same chord because it is kind of dirty and weird to have 18 year-olds yelling sexually explicit comments at you when you probably have more in common with their mother and would prefer their father.


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