I Think We Have Some Muskets We Could Fire
U.S. Successfully Completes Missile Test
The Minuteman III dummy warheads were fired at 3:14 a.m. and traveled about 4,200 miles before hitting a water target in the Marshall Islands. [Breibart]
I'm not sure why this is news. These missiles are specified to have a range of 6,000-plus miles, so shooting them 4,200 miles is hardly a shocking and threatening demonstration of our military superiority. Oh wait, they were deployed in 1970 and production stopped in 1978, one year before I was born, so the news is that we have indisputably demonstrated that we can faithfully follow the maintenance schedule of 30 year-old weapons systems. Why demonstrate one's technical superiority when you can show one's ability to follow a checklist. Kind of sad.