Bionic Tongues
The military is developing "Brain Ports" to enable soldiers to see with their tongues. The idea is to route audio or video signals (from a helmet-mounted camera, for example) through microelectrodes in the tongue so your brain receives these extra images without distracting your eyes, ears, or hands from immediate tasks. "In testing, blind people found doorways, noticed people walking in front of them and caught balls." Applications: Rear vision, night vision, sonar. The navy will watch the technology in action next month and consider whether to fast-track it so it's operational by the end of the year.
I have heard of electrodes being implanted in the eyes of the blind which can send signals to the brain that the brain can then translate into an "image". But, this tongue port thing is new. I am hoping they go ahead and make that a WiFi compatible port. Putting signal wires into one's mouth seems mildly shocking , speech impeding, as well as drool inducing and the last thing we need is a navy full of sparkily, lispy sailors drooling on each other.